Monday, May 11, 2009

If you build it...

Just as a snapshot of this blog in the middle of its second year... (if you click on the images you'll be able to see larger versions).
visit map 090511
People from everywhere!  Thank you!
stats 090511
Total counter: 24,721.  13 Bloglines subscribers, 8 Blogger followers.
319 blog entries. (Dunno how many words...!)
It's fascinating to see how an online presence is established - how people find this blog, how many, which posts have been most popular.  And then the challenge is to keep it fresh and engaging.  My first audience is me - I'm recording what catches my attention, for any of a number of reasons (amuses, intrigues, provokes...) as part of the terrific, fascinating, sometimes frustrating, always challenging and so often rewarding profession of being a teacher librarian in Australia in the early twentyfirst century. 
And then, if this blog is useful to others, especially teacher librarians, that's great too.
So thanks for dropping by - particularly if you're a regular - and see you again!
Cheers, Ruth

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