Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Google Ocean

Some time ago, a scientist said to one of the Google Earth team, "You've done a great job with the dirt - but what about the water?"

The latest upgrade to Google Earth is Google Ocean. One feature is an historical one - eg. watch the effect on the coast of Hurricane Ike.

Another feature, Historical Imagery, provides the ability to scroll back through decades of satellite images and watch the spread of suburbia or erosion of coasts.

Click a function called Touring and you can create narrated, illustrated tours, on land or above and below the sea surface, describing and showing things like a hike or scuba excursion, or even a research cruise on a deep-diving submarine.

Read about the changes and possibilities in a New York Times article here.

Google Earth's page for educators is here.  Google Ocean is in Google Earth 5.0, so check your current version if the ocean options aren't there.


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