Thursday, May 1, 2008

About those ALA READ posters...

Update: there's a Twilight READ poster.  More info here.

In the search for visual display items for the library, I have over the years bought American Library Association READ posters (in Oz, you can find a selection at Southern Scene). Although I do wonder about the relevance of the choice of some of the celebrities to the kids at school... Still, they're large and positive about reading and one hopes, attention-getting and environment-enhancing...

Still, I laughed like a drain when Your Neighbourhood Librarian decided, in the fugging spirit of the celebrity fashion analysis/snark site (or, to use its own phrase, its ogling of the fashion-wicked), Go Fug Yourself, to fug the READ posters. Among other things, she channels Jane Austen speaking to Keira Knightley.

JANE: Hello, Keira.
JANE: How nice to see you again, dear.
KEIRA: Mmm-hmm.
JANE: Dear, your thumb is over my title.

Well played!!

(I do sometimes if it's old library persons what are picking them thar celebrities. It always worries me a tad if the teachers and staff are keener on the posters -however carefully we pick 'em - than the kids. And then you take a look at the ALA site, and realise how many more Celebrity Read posters are available there, including some which may be more kid-friendly - Southern Scene makes the best selection it can, I guess, but hmmm, the temptation to buy directly, on the basis of price and selection, is certainly there.)

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