Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Generation Z and their health issues

Generation Z is defined as children 17 years and under. Or, in other words, the kids in our schools right now. The Sydney Morning Herald recently featured an article on the health issues faced by Generation Z (and consequently, issues schools need to consider and where possible, address - mental health being one significant one. I've never worked in a school library where you didn't have at least some of the kids who came in during break times being in the library because they felt safer there).


One in four will be bullied, most likely over the internet. Also known as the New Silent Generation, it will be the most educated, financially well-off and technologically literate in history.

Exposed to marketing at a younger age, Zeds are experts at multi-tasking and spend their free time communicating online and texting on their mobile phones. Zeds have older parents, fewer siblings and are more disconnected from their communities than any other generation.

Time magazine has an article asking Why do Women Need to be Perfect? Although it discusses adults, there are kids afflicted by the stifling effect of perfectionism which hinders their achievements; and control is an element in eating disorders. Read more here.

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