Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The happy life of teacher librarians: burgled

Being burgled?  Not fun.
Cleaning up the mess/broken glass? Not fun either.
Thinking how much worse it might have been? Most important.
Having, quite inadvertently, acquired the world's 'coolest' crime scene tape*?

*I was given the roll of it a while ago, when the bookshop didn't need it any more after the promotion of the DVD of the Underbelly crime series.  Thought I might use it for a 'crime books' display - didn't think I'd end up using it to keep areas secure until the police and fingerprint people and so forth had done their work.  It certainly got noticed (even the police were amused!).
The happy life of teacher librarians...
PS. You clean up fingerprint powder with an ammonia-based cleaner, such as Spray'n'Wipe, in case you didn't know (I didn't).  They get you to sign something before they start (because of the anticipated/inevitable mess), and give you a helpful cleanup info card once they're done.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

Oh no, I hope you didn't lose too much.

Love the cool crime scene tape - I bet the kids do too!