Monday, December 15, 2008

Bonbons: Christmas cards from the Twilight crowd

As a teacher librarian, you don't necessarily get a bunch of Christmas cards - but every one you do get is special.  The evidence follows...
And this student has already started telling me which new books to buy NEXT year...
I think she meant 'voracious', since it was a word I kept using in relation to her reading habits.  Isn't the comment on the left fabulous?
This is the envelope for the one from the 'vivaceous' reader.  Great postcode!
This was the winner of our Twilight competition (she won a limited edition Twilight Tshirt which I sourced from special sources...she also spent much of November writing an intense vampire romance novel of her own.
This message may relate partly to Twilight, but the sentiment is one that would have any teacher librarian incandescently pleased.  I am.
Whether this is the tip of the iceberg, or the whole iceberg, each one is delightful and very much appreciated.  What lovely kids! (as so many are).
(Names have been blacked out for privacy reasons)

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