Thursday, August 20, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are: news and links

Ah, the book that became a film that became a different book.  I've had links on this blog to the teaser trailer and longer trailer of the upcoming Spike Jonze film of Maurice Sendak's book.  Given that the book is a picture book, of limited words, it's hardly surprising that a feature film includes a few more words.  And that therefore, the book that became a film becomes a novelisation, Wild Things, loosely based on the picture book.

This is limited faux-fur edition - there will be an unfuzzy one too.  I learned about this at EW's book blog, Shelf Life here (also the source of the image).  They also have a link to an excerpt from Dave Eggers' novelisation, published by the New Yorker (read it Max At Sea here or click here for all eight pages on a single web page.).  One tiny excerpt:
So he had a choice. Would he stay behind the curtain and think about things, marinate in his own confusion, or would he put on his white fur suit and howl and scratch and make it known who was boss of this house and of all the world known and unknown?
I'm looking forward to this film! - and so are many of the kids.
Read an interview with Dave Eggers in the New Yorker here.
Here's the film's official site at Warner Bros, where you can find the trailers and this poster:
The film's director, Spike Jonze, has also established a website/blog related to the film, called We Love You So.


Fiona said...

I have an award for you at

Ruth Buchanan said...

Thank you, Fiona!