Friday, August 7, 2009

The happy life of teacher librarians: How to have a Top Weekend

I have been advised today by students on exactly how you can have a Top Weekend.  Determined that my TL colleagues don't miss out on this exciting program, it's detailed below:

  • Plan a girlie sleepover.
  • Watch Twilight on DVD, for the umpteenth time, because you can and why not????? and pore over every poster and article you've been able to find on the film and New Moon (they love the new cabinet of Twilight articles/pictures)
  • Menu (to be consumed between the hours of 1am and 3am): pizza, slushies, icecream, chocolate and lollies.
  • Dance (in a select location where loud music isn't an issue).

Darn, and I had planned another program entirely.  Oddly enough, I'll be sticking to it, rather than the one above.  Apart from anything else, I'm too old to have a cast iron stomach...!!

This is why teenagers are so entertaining.  They know EVERYTHING. (As one of the cartoons on my office door advises, I'm also too old to know everything.)

I was weak enough to email them some extra Twilight links for more pics/articles.  They were VERY happy!



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