Friday, August 28, 2009

Trailer: Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

Darren Shan's Cirque du Freak series (a character with the same name as the author, Darren Shan, finds himself involved with vampires - the series has rather more of a horror edge than some of the vampiric teenfic around) has been found a steady and enthusiastic readership for the last year or so.  It's a series of twelve books, which you can buy as individual slim volumes or as three-books-in-one cover thicker volumes (and nary a student has been deterred by their doorstoppery). (Both links in this paragraph will take you to Darren Shan's site).
The film is on the way, my friends (you're not surprised, are you?).  John C. Reilly, who in better roles is a very strong character actor, looks like he's relishing the opportunity to be a vampire... While the production company is probably relishing the opportunity for a franchise.  The first film seems to be called Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant or just The Vampire's Assistant.  Either way, I showed this trailer to some kids one lunchtime, and they were DESPERATE to get their hands on the books (you have them in the library, Miss?  WHERE?).


URL for the above link:
It's due out in Australia in early January 2010 (it's an October 2009 release in the US).


Fiona said...

Ooooh...after seeing that trailer I'd be asking to be pointed in the direction of the books too!

Shane Symonds said...

Nice one, Ruth. Like you, I have found the books popular. How did you show the trailer to the kids?

Regards, Shane