Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The happy life of teacher librarians: student amazed!

I've been doing a lesson on vampires for various English classes who are studying horror as a genre - the idea being to give them a bit of a tour through vampire folklore and the ways in which the idea of a vampire is found in many cultures and has been appropriated/manipulated in various ways through popular culture such as books, TV series, films etc.
One student from yesterday's class was talking with me this morning, and took a moment to say, "You were awesome with the vampires thing yesterday, Miss."
Isn't that lovely?  I thanked her.
She added, thoughtfully and in a tone of slight surprise, "Actually, Miss, I didn't know you knew that much."
Isn't that - um - .....
Extremely funny!  Preserving my countenance, I thanked her again, and she pootled off cheerfully.
The happy life of teacher librarians: yes, we do know some things!! (and kids remain, as ever, hilariously amusing).

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